Thursday, February 20, 2014

Nature Speaks... It's beauty is unending !

A beautiful morning, the calm cool breeze touches my skin and leaves me with a feeling of tenderness and some chilly sensations. The leaves on the trees dance to the rhythm of the gentle breeze showing off their bright green fresh beauty. Some flowers have bloomed on the plants which lay on my window sill and their fragrance diffuses through the fresh air telling me that nature is so pure and full of life.

The huge Neem tree that I can see while I am writing this stands tall amongst all the plants. A wonderful exhibition of its strength as it gets older and yet overcomes all obstacles. Beyond the tree all I see is more and more greenery. It makes me recall the saying, "the grass is always greener on the other side"... I sometimes wish I was a part of this creation, so soothing to the soul. The teasing wind taking with it all the small parts of this creation to an unknown destination... making this world a beautiful place to live in.

A small bird just flew across the Neem tree, now theres two more...A bird is such a wonderful creation that signifies freedom. Each day is filled with new challenges...teaching them to be more independent, more courageous. The life of a bird is best suited to Darwin's theory of the survival of the fittest...!

There is an old chime with five rods hanging outside my window pane. The wind showing off how it plays those tunes so beautifully. I smile, thinking how similar we humans are to these mere creations which cannot speak but express themselves by just showing us a sign... a sign of existence... a sign reminding us that other than us there is life existing in a manner that soothes our mind, body and soul to an extent unknown.

I can now hear some birds chirping, a sweet song known to them all. The rays of the sun are slowly and discreetly making itself visible, as if to remind me that i am missing out mentioning them. They tease nature with their rays and oh how it shines... making everything brighter like a girl blushing who has experienced the touch of first love! The leaves move as if they are shying away but realizing that their beauty cannot be compared to anything that has been created. Oh how tenderly they move against the breeze, gracefully dancing to the tune of the wind and sweet vocals by the talented birds.

A sparrow has now seated itself on the magnificent Neem tree in such a righteous manner... as if he were the owner of the tree! He shows that size does not matter and that only confidence can help us face anything and everything.

Its almost mid-day, penning my thoughts about this serene morning has been so delightful and has lifted my spirit to conquer the day ahead. I can still feel the cool breeze.. tender and calm on my face telling me to go live
the rest of the day with great strive and passion. Nature, oh Nature you are the best creation of the Almighty, your beauty is unending!

Friday, January 24, 2014


The extent of its beauty is often misjudged,misused and misunderstood... Why can't we look at Life and LEARN to RESPECT its beauty? LEARN...a heavy word in todays world. A word which we pretend to know very well ! How often do we admit that we do not know something? We always seem to have some knowledge about everything. There is something very simple called ACCEPTANCE. Accepting the fact that we don't really know something... the truth or the hidden truth which will soon be revealed. This in turn would call for often do we lie to ourselves? Living in a world which is surreal, how often do we fake our smiles knowing that deep inside, we feel pain or fear?

Eventually all this will only build up ANGER. The most brutal of emotions, which not only builds walls between the people involved but which breaks YOU down emotionally. We lose our temper, make a mess of our emotions and fight our own self at the end of the day. This anger that has now been built by YOU, in YOU is nothing but your own choice. CHOICE.... An important action which once made automatically leads us to a situation based on that particular choice. We always have options. It is for us to think wisely and weigh the consequences and then decide to make the choice. Everything then depends on that choice we make. What we dont realize is that we shape our own destiny through our choices. Thus, we should strive to take time out for ourselves and head towards making the right choice that will help us to be happy. Not choices that we look back upon and regret. REGRET will only make us feel sympathetic towards ourselves. It can bring us down, shatter our confidence and weaken us to the situation, when we really need to rise up and face it only to make the right choice. A choice that makes us happy. A choice that makes our life beautiful.

LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL. No one can destroy its beauty but YOU. You simply cannot hold anyone responsible for your state of being, not even yourself. If you want to be happy you will be and if you want to feel sadness you will remain sad. YOU are a state of YOUR own mind..which only you can control and nobody else.Playing the blame game never works. People who use their heart wisely will always remain in a state of happiness cos you must know that nothing in this world can stop you from feeling what you want to feel.
FEELINGS, the way you express yourself emotionally. Feelings can be bad or good, yet again.. its  all your CHOICE

Believe it or not but its so easy to see how BEAUTIFUL life is. As they say, BEAUTY IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER.YOU SEE, YOU FEEL & YOU ARE !!!!

Make the most of every moment in your life. Be optimistic towards each and every challenge that comes your way. It may not be that easy but it is possible.

LEARN to make the right CHOICES...                      
ACCEPT all thats good...
Keep PRETENCE far...
Do not let ANGER destroy YOU...
REGRET will cease if we follow
our beautiful hearts wisely...
'cos LIFE is BEAUTIFUL my friends !!!! :)